Wadebridge Home Energy Survey
You may be aware of the work the Wadebridge Renewable Energy Network (WREN) is doing to tackle the challenges of rising energy costs and help attract low carbon development to the area.
WREN is a not-for-profit cooperative, Membership costs £1, and runs on a one-member-one-vote basis. WREN's goal is to generate 30% of Wadebridge's electricity from renewable sources by 2015, and 100% by 2020, in a way that maximises local benefits through community ownership and local energy supply arrangements, and generates income to be re-invested in the community. WREN also aims to help reduce hearing bills by making local homes more energy efficient. Together, it is hoped that these efforts will bring local economic benefits, such as employment, to Wadebridge.
This survey is being carried out by PFA Research Ltd on behalf of University of Exeter and WREN to help us learn what householders in your local area think about energy issues, and to understand how the area uses energy and how this might change in the future. We are looking for your opinion, and there are no night or wrong answers.
This survey will help us with this understanding, and should take no longer than 10 minutes to complete. Respondents will be entered into a prize draw to win 50 Wrens (worth £50), redeemable with over 50 shops and businesses in Wadebridge.
Please rest assured that your confidentiality is maintained to the highest possible standards. This survey is undertaken following the Data Protection Act (1998) and the Market Research Society Code of Conduct. In short, your personal details and any other information you provide will not be sold or passed on to any third party and, following the survey, we will only make contact with you on your request.
If you have any questions, please call into the Energy Shop or contact Iain Soutar, Peter Lanyon Building, Tremough Campus, University of Exeter, TR10 9EZ.
Please click on the NEXT button below to start...
Do you work from home?
Since moving into your current property, which of the following have you carried out? (Please tick all that apply)
Did you access any funding for your energy related home improvements?
Is your electricity or gas supplied by any of the following suppliers?
Would you be interested in any of the following?
Would you like WREN to contact you regarding any of the points in Q16?
Our research is continuing, would you be interested in discussing any of the issues raised in this survey further?
Please click on the SUBMIT button below to send us your answers.
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