Some notes to help you complete this questionnaire:
1) If there is more than one parent or carer in the household, please nominate one of you to complete this survey. If your child(ren) have another parent or carer living at a different address then they will receive their own invitation to take part in the survey.
2) We have tried to make this questionnaire friendly and easy to answer. Please do read the questions and instructions carefully, answering all questions unless you are instructed otherwise.
3) We do not believe any of the questions are particularly sensitive and they are not intended to be intrusive. However, if there is any question you are not completely happy to answer then please leave it blank.
Please now click on the NEXT button to begin the survey.
Section 1: About You and Your Family
This section asks about you, the area you live and the children you have at Sir James Smiths'. These questions will help us to analyse the data and put your responses into context.
Which of these children went to primary school in the local catchment area? (i.e. one of the schools at Boscastle, Camelford, Delabole, Otterham, St Breward, St Teath, or Tintagel.) Please tick if YES
Have you ever attended a presentation by the Head or Deputy Head (perhaps at the primary school) before your child(ren) started at Sir James Smith's?
Did you consider seriously or have the option to send your child to any other schools for your child(ren) currently at Sir James Smith's?
Have you had other children at Sir James Smith's in the past? (e.g. older children who have now left school.)
Where did you go to school between the ages of 11 and 16?
Thinking back to the time when you were at secondary school, overall how positive or negative was your experience of school?
To what extent do you feel your child(ren)’s experience at Sir James Smith's is a better or worse experience than when you were at school?
Section 2: Supporting and Communicating With You About Your Child(ren)'s Education
In this section we want to understand how well supported you feel you are regarding your child(ren)'s education, and together how we support your child(ren). That includes how the school communicates with you and the opportunities for you to communicate with the school.
How important do you feel it is for you to be involved in supporting your child(ren)’s education at secondary school?
How well involved do you feel you are in your child(ren)’s education at Sir James Smith's?
How satisfied are you that you have the knowledge and ability to support your child(ren) with his/her education at Sir James Smith's?
Do you feel you were more or less involved with your child(ren)’s education when they were at primary school?
When was the last time you visited Sir James Smith's for an event or a formal appointment? (E.g. parents evening, meeting with a teacher, information event, etc.)?
Section 3: Headlines and Reputations
The following questions concern public news and stories about Sir James Smith's Community School, how you feel about the school and what you suggest could be done better.
Have you read anything recently (say, within the last 3 months) in local newspapers about Sir James Smith's?
Do you feel the story portrayed the school positively or negatively (or neither positive or negative)?
Have you read or heard anything anywhere else (e.g. word of mouth, on the internet, etc.) recently about Sir James Smith's?
Did whatever you read or heard portray the school positively or negatively (or neither positive or negative)?
Sir James Smith's publishes a newsletter at least once a term called Headlines which is sent to all parents and carers. Do you read it?
How likely would you be to recommend Sir James Smith's Community School to other parent/carers?
Section 4: Parent/Carer Panel and Declaration
We are compiling a ‘parents panel’ and are looking for approximately 20 parents/carers of students from each year group.
If you have an interest in your child’s experience at the school, want to see continued improvement at Sir James Smith's and would be willing to express your views occasionally (mainly through similar questionnaires to this), then we invite you to join the panel.
Would you be interested in taking part?
We will be making available the findings of this survey. Are you interested in seeing the results?
Data protection statement - Sir James Smith's Community School is collecting this information for the purposes of research only and creating future opportunities to improve consultation with parents and the community. This will help to inform future developments of the school, by improving and developing the education services delivered through Sir James Smith's. Only specified members of Sir James Smith's staff and governors will have access to your personal data should you choose to provide it. In accordance with the Data Protection Act, this data will not be disclosed to a third party. Only non-personalised, aggregated data will be published.
Thank you for completing this questionnaire. Please now click on the SUBMIT button below to send us your answers.
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